Hargreaves is committed to embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors at the centre of the company’s decisions and operations.

We have identified our ESG focus areas through the completion of Hargreaves’ ESG materiality assessment, allowing us to focus our efforts accordingly. Our company’s ESG strategy is based on a solid foundation supported by clear objectives that we aim to accomplish.

Our strategy has been aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), supporting the global commitments towards a more sustainable future.

Energy Efficiency and Emissions

We will focus on concrete actions such as improving data quality to better understand our current consumption and installing more efficient equipment to reduce energy use. At the same time, we will seek to set science-based targets, develop asset-level roadmaps, and, where possible, switch to renewable energy to reduce our portfolio emissions. As part of our roadmap to improve energy efficiency, we will aim to achieve higher building energy ratings across our portfolio, ensuring that we are well prepared to respond to the upcoming changes in the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) regulations.

ObjectiveTarget Year
Procure 100% renewable electricity certifiedCompleted 2022 / Ongoing
10% reduction in like-for-like energy use for controlled assets2025
100% actual data for all managed sitesCompleted
Annual full GHG emissions assessmentAnnual
Develop a Science-based Target (SBT) / net zeroCompleted 2022 / Ongoing
Achieve a minimum Building Energy Rating – B EPC for all assets2030
Develop asset-level roadmaps for reducing GHG emissionsCompleted
25 EV charging points installed and facilitated2025


Waste Management

We seek to minimise our environmental impact through proactive waste management. We will maintain current good practices such as zero waste to landfill and will seek to strengthen the company’s processes to advance waste management in line with the waste hierarchy and best practise. The company will implement actions to increase recycling rates and will work to reduce the overall waste generation across our assets.

ObjectiveTarget Year
Maintain zero waste to landfill (controlled assets)Annual
Complete waste audits to identify improvement opportunitiesCompleted
Establish a process to gather waste data for developmentsCompleted
Reduce like-for-like waste generation by 5% for controlled assets2025
Increase recycling rate by 50% for controlled assets2025


Building Health and Wellbeing

Hargreaves strives to implement design and operational features, and management strategies to optimise our assets’ health and wellbeing outcomes. To achieve this, we will integrate wellbeing principles into new developments and refurbishments.

ObjectiveTarget Year
Integrate Wellbeing Principles into new development or refurbishments2024
CEstablish biodiversity net-gain objectives for new developmentsCompleted


Supporting Local Communities

We will create and maintain environments where our employees can thrive and where we support our local communities. We aim to increase gender balance, support our employees’ professional development and prioritise local employment. Furthermore, we will continue to support community groups and charities through partnerships, donations and volunteering.

ObjectiveTarget Year
Maintain a gender balance across teams (long-term)2025
Establish a fund to support training with professional bodiesFund Established
Give time to support local community groups and charitiesAnnual
Partner with and provide financial support to a number of local good causesAnnual


Compliance and ESG standards

We will reinforce this policy by aligning to well established ESG standards, ensuring a robust governance and transparency, and demonstrating our commitment to social and environmental performance improvement. Furthermore, we will continue to ensure compliance with all appropriate legal requirements, as this is key to managing the company’s operations in a responsible manner.

ObjectiveTarget Year
Establish an ESG working groupEstablished
Develop a website section disclosing ESG strategy and progressCompleted
All new developments must be sustainable developmentsAnnual
Implement a process for regular asset-level performance review2024
Set minimum standards for major development and refurbishmentsCompleted